Vision for Glaucoma
Topical Ocular Drug Delivery Systems: Innovations for an Unmet Need. Yang S and Lockwood A. Experimental Eye Research. Yang Y, Lockwood A.Exp Eye Res. 2022 May;218:109006. doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2022.109006. Epub 2022 Mar 4.PMID: 35248559 Review.
Khan MA, Burden J, Dinsmore J, Lockwood AJ. Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep. March 2022 22;25:101246. doi: 10.1016/j.ajoc.2021.101246. eCollection 2022 Mar.PMID: 35005297 Free PMC article.
‘Women in Different Roles, National Women’s Eye Health and Safety’. Lockwood A. Acta Scientific Ophthalmology Special Issue 1 (2021): 46.
'‘The Dangers of Telemedicine for Glaucoma in the Light of COVID-19 Without Being Able to Assess Disease Parameters". Elnahas S and Lockwood A. Acta Scientific Ophthalmology 4.5 (2021): 32-34. https://actascientific.com/ASOP/pdf/ASOP-04-0279.pdf
LC-MS analysis to determine the biodistribution of a polymer coated ilomastat ocular implant.
Mohamed-Ahmed AHA, Lockwood A, Fadda H, Madaan S, Khaw PT, Brocchini S, Karu K.J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2018 Aug 5;157:100-106. doi: 10.1016/j.jpba.2018.05.017. Epub 2018 May 17.PMID: 29777984
Kirwan J, Lockwood A, Shah P, Broadway D, McNaught A, King A.Ophthalmology. 2018 Apr;125(4):e25. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2017.11.028.PMID: 29566872 No abstract available.
Principles of pharmacology in the eye.
Awwad S, Mohamed Ahmed AHA, Sharma G, Heng JS, Khaw PT, Brocchini S, Lockwood A.Br J Pharmacol. 2017 Dec;174(23):4205-4223. doi: 10.1111/bph.14024. Epub 2017 Oct 10.PMID: 28865239 Free PMC article. Review.
Enhanced Trabeculectomy: The Moorfields Safer Surgery System.
Khaw PT, Chiang M, Shah P, Sii F, Lockwood A, Khalili A. Dev Ophthalmol. 2017;59:15-35. doi: 10.1159/000458483. Epub 2017 Apr 25.PMID: 28442684 Review.
An Ilomastat-CD Eye Drop Formulation to Treat Ocular Scarring.
Mohamed-Ahmed AHA, Lockwood A, Li H, Bailly M, Khaw PT, Brocchini S.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2017 Jul 1;58(9):3425-3431. doi: 10.1167/iovs.16-21377.PMID: 28692737 Free PMC article.
Licence to save: a UK survey of anti-VEGF use for the eye in 2015. Shalaby, A. K., Lewis, K., Bush, K., Meredith, P. R., Di Simplicio, S., & Lockwood, A. J. (2016).. Eye (London, England), 30(11), 1404–1406. http://doi.org/10.1038/eye.2016.154
The impact of wound healing on glaucoma therapy. Glaucoma Today. September/October 2013 Alastair Lockwood, BM, BChir, MRCOphth, and Sir Peng Tee Khaw, PhD, FRCP, FRCS, FRCOphth, CBiol, FSB, FRCPath, FARVO, FMedSci
The PK-Eye: A Novel In Vitro Ocular Flow Model for Use in Preclinical Drug Development. (2015). The PK-Eye: A Novel In Vitro Ocular Flow Model for Use in Preclinical Drug Development. Awwad S, Lockwood AJ, Brocchini S, Khaw PT, 104(10), 3330–3342. http://doi.org/10.1002/jps.24480
Trabeculectomy in the 21st century: a multicenter analysis. (2013). Kirwan JF, Lockwood A, Shah P, Macleod A, Broadway DC, King AJ, McNaught AI, Agrawal P, and Trabeculectomy Outcomes Group Audit Study Group. Ophthalmology 2013 Vol 120 (12), 2532–2539.
‘New developments in the pharmacological modulation of wound healing after glaucoma filtration surgery.’ Lockwood A, Brocchini S, Khaw PT. Curr Opin Pharmacol 2013 vol. 13 (1) 65-71
Enhanced trabeculectomy: the Moorfields Safer Surgery System. Developments in Ophthalmology. 50, 1–28. Khaw, P. T., Chiang, M., Shah, P., Sii, F., Lockwood, A., & Khalili, A. (2012).
‘Characterisation of ilomastat tablets for prolonged ocular drug release in the subconjunctival space’. Parkinson G, Gaisford S, Ru Q, Lockwood A, Khalili A, Rose Sheridan R, Khaw P, Brocchini S, Fadda H. AAPS PharmSciTech 2012, Volume 13, 4 pp 1063-1072
‘Optometrists referrals for glaucoma assessment: a prospective survey of clinical data and outcomes’. Lockwood A, Kirwan JF, Ashleigh Z, Eye 2010 24, 1515–1519
‘Suprachoroidal haemorrhage post-thrombolysis with tenectaplase for myocardial infarction’. Trikha S, Lockwood A, Puvanchandra N, Kirwan JF. BMJ Case reports 2010 doi:10.1136/bcr.11.2009.2460
‘Shorter axial length and increased astigmatic refractive error are associated with socio-economic deprivation in an adult UK cohort’. Goverdhan S, Fogarty A, Osmond C, Lockwood A, Anderson L, Kirwan JF. Ophthalmic Epidem 2011 vol. 18 (1) pp. 44-7
‘Risk stratification for posterior capsule rupture and vitreous loss during cataract surgery.’
Goverdhan S, Anderson L, Lockwood A, Kirwan J. Eye 2010 24, 389-90
‘Cost effectiveness of latanoprost and timolol maleate for the treatment of glaucoma in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom using a descision-analytic health economic model’. Andrerson L, Lockwood A, Goverdahn S, Wornald R, Kirwan J. Eye 2009. :Apri;(Epub ahead of print)
'Neurotrophic keratopathy and diabetes mellitus' . Lockwood A, Hope-Ross M, Chell P.
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Operating conditions for ocular surgery under general anaesthesia: an eccentric problem'. Rossiter J, Wood M, Lockwood A, Lewis K. Eye 2006 Jan;20(1)55-8
‘Nitrous oxide inhalation anaesthesia in the presence of intraocular gas can cause irreversible blindness’. Lockwood A, Yang Y. British Dental Journal 2008 Mar 204, 247 – 248
‘Postcataract endophthalmitis: Incidence and microbial isolates in a United Kingdom region from 1996 through 2004’. Mollan S, Gao A, Lockwood A, Surrani O, Butler L. J Cataract Refract Surg 2007. Feb;33:265-268
'Acanthamoeba keratitis, contact lens wear and freshwater diving'. Lockwood A, Then K, McDonnell P. Minerva BMJ 2005 Nov Vol 331, 1152
'Coexistence of optic disc drusen and idiopathic hypertension in a child'. Rossiter J, Lockwood A, Evans A. Eye 2005 Feb;19(2):234-5
'Properties of the human platelet ADP receptor which releases calcium from intracellular stores'. Rolf M., Lockwood A.J., Mahaut-Smith M, et al. Journal of Physiology, London (1998) Vol 506, No515I, P68.